Chilibowl Big Game -- Sunday February 9th 2025
This is our 20th year doing this event!!!!

FAQs and Rules

Have questions about paintball? We have answers!

Paintball FAQs

Frequently asked questions About playing paintball at Xtreme Paintball Park near St. Louis

Paintball is a sport that started in the early 1980s. It has progressed from the large wooded fields and traditional types of play to the fast-paced, well regulated sport it is today. Most players involved in the sport play on weekends with Open Play and occasionally in tournaments and other special events.

People from all walks of life and all ages play paintball. Paintball is one of the few sports where age, size or gender really has no relation to skill, and families often enjoy playing paintball together. The minimum age for traditional paintball at Xtreme Paintball Park is eight years old. We also offer two choices on low impact gear for younger kids, recommended for ages six and up.

In Open Play, a referee will divide everyone into two teams and take the group through each of our playing fields. Typically, a field will be played twice (each game takes 5-15 minutes) and then they will head back up front to reload and welcome new customers to the group. The format of gameplay varies depending on the field. Some fields are simple elimination games, while others are attack and defend or capture the flag.

The key here is layers. You can always take off a layer, but you can’t add it if you don’t bring it. We recommend a long-sleeved tee shirt and pants in the warmer months. When it’s cooler, we recommend you dress for the weather, plus a layer. We have chest protectors available for rent. Tennis shoes or boots are the best footwear option. A paintball face mask is required, which we have available to rent. 

A lot of the time, you will hardly feel it, but paintball hits will sting from closer ranges. Low impact paintball has the least impact. Some compare it to the snapping of a wet towel or rubber band. To keep things fun, we do not allow shooting within 10 feet, except for some tournaments. Again, the key here is layers. We also have chest protectors available to rent.

Reservations are encouraged and ensure availability of equipment if you are renting. Reservations are required for Private Play, where you have a group of 10 or more people looking to play by yourselves. We have Open Play every Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 6 PM. Here, you will just show up anytime and join the group. Your Open Play admission is good all day.

Yes. We have all necessary equipment available to rent. Our rental packages include a gun, 3000 psi compressed air tank, hopper, barrel plug and full face mask. Additional items, such as chest protectors and equipment upgrades are also available for an additional rental fee.  Check our prices page. 

No. Only paintballs purchased at Xtreme Paintball Park may be used. All St. Louis area paintball fields have the same “Field Paint Only” policy.

No. The waiver is a legal release of liability and can ONLY be signed by a child’s parent or legal guardian. We have implemented an easy, online waiver system so the parent/guardian can fill out the waiver out at home or on their smartphone if they are not accompanying their child to the park. All participants must fill out and sign a waiver prior to play, and all participants under the age of 18 must have their parent/guardian’s signature.

Yes. We fill both CO2 and compressed air tanks. All-day air fills (1 tank per person) are included in your entry fee. If you are not playing but want your tank filled, prices depend on size. We can also fill kegerator CO2 tanks, but please call ahead.

airsoft rules and faqs

Frequently asked questions About playing Airsoft at Xtreme Paintball Park near St. Louis

All players must use 6mm airsoft weapons that will be monitored under a chronograph. All airsoft guns must have a muzzle cover device outside the field and the staging area and may not be taken off until inside the netted areas. Real firearms or pellet guns are not allowed on the field — this includes blank firing weapons. 

All games at Xtreme Paintball Park must be supervised by one of our referees.

Full seal eye protection is mandatory in netted areas AT ALL TIMES. Lower face protection is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. If under 18 years of age, the child must use a full face guard.

Throwing knives are not allowed. We do allow plastic knives, but they must be used only to signal that a player is being safety killed.. no actual contact is allowed.

 Safety kills will be yelled within 10-20 feet. If anyone is injured on the field, players will yell “blindman.” When this call is heard, players will stop play, take a knee and repeat the call. 

Sound Grenades, thunder BB’s and tornados are grenades that make noise or project BB’s and which we call our hits within a 15 ft kill radius from which it lands.

In airsoft, a single hit from a BB anywhere on your person or what you are wearing counts as a kill.

When you are hit, place your hand up in the air and let everyone know you are hit by vocally saying “I am hit” or “I’m out.” Dead rags are great for this too, if you do not want to hold your hand up in the air. Simply place the dead rag on top of your head (normally the color of a dead rag is red).

Airsoft ricochets do not count — direct hits only.

THIS IS AN HONOR BASED GAME. If you think you are hit, call yourself out. If you have a problem with anyone not calling hits, tell the referee ASAP. Do not yell at them mid-game, because if you are wrong, it can drastically effect game play/morale. We do not tolerate cheating, and have gotten pretty good at keeping an eye on people when need be.

Rifleman AR-15 (400fps)
SMG MP5 (350fps)
Shotgun Mossberg (350fps)
DMR SR-25 (450fps)
Sniper .50 cal (500fps)

Play Paintball, Airsoft or
Laser Tag near St. Louis

We have open play - come by yourself, bring friends or make new ones!  We also have private play seven days a week!  You'll love our paintball, Airsoft and laser tag fields near St. Louis!